Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back In The Saddle Again

Surprise!  I'm, yet again, making a serious attempt toward losing weight.  The last I posted I was attempting to lose weight so I wouldn't be fat and 40.  Well I was fat and 40.  And now, fat and 41.  But I'm happy...
with my life but not my weight.  Three months before my 40th birthday I met a wonderful man and two years later we are still together and planning a future together.

13 weeks ago, my boyfriend's sister started a biggest loser type of weight loss competition called "Carrot & Stick".  The goal I chose was to lose 10% of my weight, 27# (you can do the simple math equation to determine my starting weight).  All participants agreed to pay in $100.00 and the percentage of your goal NOT met was the amount you had to pay.  For example, if you lost 80% of your goal, you have to pay in $20.00. Carrot & Stick ended today.  I lost 28#.  My boyfriend lost 31.  He's in 1st place and I finished in 2nd place.  I am excited to get a cut of the cash prize!  I wonder how much it will be?!  When I first started I never planned on winning any money or thought I'd be able to.  I just needed that push to get started.  I didn't think I'd be able to lose 27# in that amount of time but wanted a goal that would push me.

Today, as one goal ends, another begins.  I am continuing forward and have set another goal which will end Dec. 30th, 16 weeks.  I'll stick with my original theme and aim to lose another 10% which would put my goal at 55 total # lost by 12/30, the end of this challenge.

Although it is important for me to have a goal (some pressure is good, too much backfires) I don't want to be unrealistic.  What is most important to me is that I keep going without giving up.

SW 272
GW1 245
CW 244
GW2 217
GW3 *One*derland
GW4 180
UGW We'll see

Friday, September 9, 2011

20# Mark

I finally hit the 20 pound mark! FINALLY! It took 14 weeks. In the past I would usually lose 25 in 12. It is getting easier. I have 16 weeks left until my birthday. My goal is to lose 22 pounds by then. If I don't go over my weeklies I can make it. I will have to survive Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas during those 16 weeks. Yikes.

I also started the DVD's I ordered, Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis (TAM). The first time I did it, I was like, "That's it? That wasn't very hard." I was expecting it to be more painful, which seems a stupid thought. Why do I think exercise=pain? The 2nd time I did it, the ab sequence burned. The 3rd time, my abs were in pain. My abs are sore. They're tender if I cough. Today I woke up and my back felt funny. I don't want to overdo it and have my back go out. The leg sequences are on your hands and knees and that is stressful on my back. If I wasn't so chubby, it wouldn't be so hard on my back. I think I'll skip TAM today so I don't hurt myself and try again tomorrow.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Have Points Left!

For the first time since I re-joined WW,I made it through the weekend with points to spare! Granted, it was only 4 points but I'm thrilled considering I've consistently gone over. Yay me!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scary Things

I went on SparkPeople today and used a couple of their cool calculators. For one you enter a target weight, how much you plan to lose per week and it will give you a date can you expect to get to that weight by. I entered a rate of 1.5 ppw (trying to be realistic) and it gave me a goal date of July 26, 2012.

The other calculator you enter a future date and how many pounds you plan to lose per week and it will tell you how much you can weigh by then.
I actually found these calculators to be pretty motivating. If I stick to losing at a pace of 1 1/2 pounds per week, I could be at my goal in 11 months!!! WOW!!! That is an exciting thought.

For now I decided to make my first big goal to be under 200 ell b's. The calculator's estimated date is April 5, 2012. I have not been under 200 ell b's since 1996. That would simply be aMaZiNg!!! Hopefully, for both of these calendars, a rate of 1 1/2 ppw is realistic. I've already realized that my original 2 ppw goal to lose 60 #'s by my birthday was/is not doable considering the eating plan I have chosen.

Now I'm scared. I've put it out there. I want to follow through. I don't want to fail. I don't want to give up.

I still plan to make and meet smaller goals along the way. My 1st goal was 5 pounds. The 2nd was 10. The 3rd was 5%. My 4th goal was 15. My 5th and current small goal 20. Then 25, then 10%.

I was watching the QVC the other night because I ran across a presentation for the Tracy Anderson Method. I first saw Tracy Anderson on Oprah when there was an episode all about Gwyneth Paltrow. She demonstrated her workout with Tracy Anderson and talked about how this trainer changed her body and life after the birth of her 2nd child. Now this trainer is schlepping her workout "method" on DVD's on QVC and infomercials. Well, I briefly lost my ever loving mind and ordered the damn DVD's.

The DVD's consist of 1 cardio workout and 9 levels of toning workouts. I'm already planning on not doing the cardio workout. It is very high impact and a lot of jumping around. That is dangerous to my back and not good for my creaky knee so I am going to stick with walking on the treadmill. The toning workouts are 9 levels that you do 10 days each. Realistically speaking, I won't do this 6 days a week. And I feel it's foolish to make too lofty a goal and set myself up for failure. I will start simply by starting and go from there. I'll also have to see how I do physically with these workouts. If I'm sore and they are too difficult for my current fitness level, I'll have to scale back to, say, every other day and work my way up from there. So, it's obvious that I will be at level 1 for far longer than 10 days.

What appealed to me is that they are only 30 minutes each AND not a bunch of squats and lunges. I LOATHE squats and lunges and those alone will turn me off of a workout immediately. I know it is inevitable for me to add toning/weight training/resistance exercises to get the body that I want. I have no intention on trying to look like Gwyneth Paltrow for hell sakes. But I don't want to be all wiggly jiggly. And weight training increases your metabolism.

Crap, I hate committing myself to something that I will fail to stick with again and then I'm left with a $100.00 dust collector. Now I've put it on my blog so the whole world knows.

I'm scared.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

Down 3 pounds this week. Something can't be right. I was over 50 points for the week. Maybe it'll reflect on the scale next week? I don't mean for it to sound like I'm not happy about the loss. I am! However, it definitely does not make me think to myself, that I can continually go over and still lose weight. I know I can't get away with making that a habit if I want to reach my ultimate goal.

My current average is 1.5 ppw. I lost a ppd so I'm now down to 38 ppd.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Get Real

It's time for me to get real about my slow progress. Slow progress isn't a bad thing. As I've said before, the theory is that the slower it comes off the longer it stays off. However, I'm turning 40 and had a weight loss goal in mind so I can look as good as possible by then. I fiddle-farted around overcame some emotional obstacles for the first 6 months of the year which lowered my goal. I really want to get to 2 ppw losses. The only reason I haven't, really, is because I keep going over my points on the weekends. Hello! I'm over 55 points for the week! 55 dammit!

I need to be more aware and say no to a few more things. Sunday, for instance, I didn't need two helpings of Doritos at my friend's boy's bday party, I didn't need an extra piece of chicken at dinner, nor did I need to eat the unfinished half of my niece's biscuit. Saturday, I didn't need shrimp salad and potato salad - since they were both mayonnaise based, I should have only selected one.

It's time to get real, accept responsibility for my choices and face what is necessary if I want to increase my weight loss.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Awesome Website


I found this a success story on SparkPeople that I really liked. This link is to her website. One of my favorite excerpts from her website:
A couple of years ago, I asked [a] question of an online friend who had lost about 200 pounds, and she told me, "There is NOTHING I can say that will give you the motivation you need to reach your goal. You need to find that motivation within yourself, stop making excuses, and JUST DO IT." I had no idea what she was talking about! Find motivation within myself?? Now that I am here, I completely understand what she meant...

I can't wait to learn more from her website.